A Cinematic Biography of Your Life

Capture Your Irreplaceable Memories On Film

We come to your home and film you telling your own story. We then edit your footage, home videos, and photos to create a cinematic documentary of your life that will be a priceless legacy for future generations.

A film of your


with your own




the way you experienced it, in


A family treasure for


  • All the family watched last night and cried. It’s like ESPN level quality. It's incredible. Memoir Films really has a special gift for this genre of filmmaking. Our dad is such a great man, our greatest family treasure. So perfectly done.

    -Travis Chambers

  • I never knew any of those things about my Dad. It’s a treasure.

    -Trisha Ricks

  • Definitely do it. This is what the younger generations are going to want to see. It’s my grandparent’s story consolidated into an hour.

    – Amanda Robison

  • Our mother’s Memoir Film is beyond anything we hoped for. You can’t put a price on it. We would have missed a one time chance that we could never get back. Now we have our mother’s life preserved forever. What a treasure!

    – Alan Tingey

  • Encourage younger people to do this because we never know when it might be too late to capture our memories. So proud our son asked us to do it for our granchildren’s sake. Words cannot express how meaningful this Memoir Film is to our family.

    – Gail Adams

  • This is truly amazing and touching. Tells the true story of Dave’s life. Music and editing is superb and so filled with heart and soul. Thank you for this beautiful tribute to a wonderful father, husband and friend to all he comes in contact with. Exceptional beyond words!

    – Donna Chambers

  • This is a family treasure. I cannot believe how much work you put into this and that you are able to do this for the price. I’m going to tell everyone in my building about you!

    - Wayne Gray

  • This is so much better than I expected. I was honestly worried about how it would turn out and this is amazing!

    – Pat Ricks

  • Thank you so much. I think all of us were super emotional. It means so much.

    - Misti Brown

  • We played the video today at my Dad’s funeral and it completely made the entire service. I just wanted to tell you how much we appreciate it and how incredible it was.

    -Bryan Adams

  • This is beyond anything I could have imagined. You have created a masterpiece. It is perfect! Words just cannot cover the joy I feel when I watch this. It is a remarkable gift to have this history. Thank you for making time stand still for a moment. To have dad’s voice and mom’s singing is priceless.

    – Amy Garff

  • The value of this film is indescribable. I have very few records of my parents, they did not keep journals. So the fact that we can be filmed and have this for our grandkids and great grandkids so they can know a little bit about us…it’s a treasure. It really is a treasure.

    – Diane Robison

  • It’s going to be something that we will treasure forever. It is so much easier to gather as a family and watch the video than read the stories in a book, which are also a treasure. But it’s fun to have it both ways. I think it’s fabulous.

    – Jenny Moyer

  • The most meaningful part was sitting down with the family and seeing their reactions and feeling the emotions well up inside me as I reflected on great memories and the people surrounding me. It was an experience to be treasured.

    – Reid Robison